Giuliani’s Legal Team Presents Overview of Election Fraud Evidence

  UPDATE:  Readers have asked the meaning of algorithm in the legal team’s description of the use of the Dominion voting machines and Smartmatic software used in the election fraud. An algorithm is a step-by-step set of instructions to accomplish a particular task.  Computers use algorithms, in the form of programs.  The claim of the legal team is that the…

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Biden Transition Team Says First Amendment is Flawed Because It Permits “Hate Speech”

Biden Transition Team Says First Amendment is Flawed Because It Permits “Hate Speech” Paul Craig Roberts I told you this would happen. No one is to be allowed to speak against the official explanations:  Biden’s transition team defines truth as hate speech. Truth is what the Democrat left, military/security complex, and presstitutes don’t want spoken or written.   “All…

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The Lie Sheet Known as the NY Times Claims “No Election Fraud”

The Lie Sheet Known as the NY Times Claims “No Election Fraud” Paul Craig Roberts Election Data Team finds that in Georgia 17,877 people voted by mail who had previously filed National Change of Address forms with the US Post Office that they had changed their state of residence from Georgia. That number alone is more than Biden’s margin of…

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MORE REPORTS OF ELECTION FRAUD  Note the blackout of these reports by the press prostitutes US Postal Servicre Whistleblower says he did not recant his report of voter fraud The Washington Post, knowing that its voice was larger than the postal worker’s, simply made up the story.  The slime sheet never spoke with the postal worker:  USPS Whistleblower demands…

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TUCKER CARLSON PROVIDES COMPLETE TOTAL PROOF OF WIDESPREAD DEMOCRAT VOTE FRAUD THAT STOLE THE 2020 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION Paul Craig Roberts Tucker Carlson is the ONLY honest media figure in the United States.  No wonder the presstitutes want him arrested.  I am concerned that the criminal Hillary DNC will have him assassinated.  You are simply not permitted to tell the truth…

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The Democrats Have Stolen the Presidential Election

The Democrats Have Stolen the Presidential Election Paul Craig Roberts’ Interview with the European magazine Zur Zeit (In This Time):  English Translation: A few months ago it looked like the re-election of Trump was almost certain, but now there was a close race between Trump and Biden? What happen during the last months?  In the months before the election,…

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The West Has Thrown Itself Into the Waste Basket of History

The West Has Thrown Itself Into the Waste Basket of History Paul Craig Roberts If courts uphold election laws, the vote fraud in the swing states will be overturned, and Trump will be declared the winner.  There is no doubt about the vote fraud. The question is whether Trump in the face of media hostility, Antifa/BLM violence, and weak-kneed Republicans…

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The Media Whores Can’t Keep Their Lies Straight

The Media Whores Can’t Keep Their Lies Straight Paul Craig Roberts Earlier today I demonstrated the laughable and ludicrus mistakes made by a BBC “Reality Check Team” tasked with covering up the Democrat vote fraud in Michigan.  See here:  Now the presstitutes at USA Today have come up with a totally different coverup for the same fraud. The earlier…

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Press Prostitutes Make Fools of Themselves Trying to Cover Up Vote Fraud for Democrats

Press Prostitutes Make Fools of Themselves Trying to Cover Up Vote Fraud for Democrats Paul Craig Roberts It is amusing to watch the press prostitutes try to coverup vote fraud for the Democrats.  Here is an example from the bought-and-paid-for BBC whose “Reality Check Team” has undertaken to “fact check” the “rumor” of a 138,000 sudden ballot dump for Biden…

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A Stolen Election?

A Stolen Election? Paul Craig Roberts When I turned in last night, President Trump had comfortable leads, considering the amount of votes counted, in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennslyvania, North Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.  I had noticed and was puzzled by the halt to reporting of voting in these states.  It did not seem to me, based on previous elections, that Trump’s…

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Does America Have a Future?

Does America Have a Future? Paul Craig Roberts If the election is close tonight, the presstitutes will call it for Biden as that will be their way of putting Trump on the defensive.  By repeating over and over that Biden has won, the presstitutes will position Trump as disputing the outcome and intending to remain in office. If polls are…

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The American Collapse Continues

The American Collapse Continues Philip Giraldi and Philadelphia’s Mayor Jim Kenney Show Us What A Biden/Kamala Presidency Would Bring  Censorship Is Closing In on America Glenn Greenwald, censored by the online media institution that he founded, has resigned from The Intercept. He was not allowed to report on the Biden scandal.  The Result of Dumbing-Down University Curriculums is…

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This Is Not a Time for Insouciance–Democrats Intend a Coup

This Is Not a Time for Insouciance—Democrats Intend a Coup Paul Craig Roberts Dear Friends, If you have not read my recent postings:  you are not meeting your responsibility to your life and property and that of your family and friends. Unless President Trump wins reelection overwhelmingly so that it cannot be challenged, the Democrats and the presstitutes…

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Hunter Biden in His Own Words

Hunter Biden in His Own Words For any of you sufficiently brainwashed to believe the presstitutes coverup of the massive Biden Family Scandal, here is Hunter in his own words. 

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November’s Choice:  Trump or the Establishment

November’s Choice:  Trump or the Establishment Paul Craig Roberts The November presidential election is not about a choice between a Republican and a Democrat, Trump or Biden/Kamala.  It is about a choice between Trump and the Establishment. You are voting for or against the Establishment.   If you vote against Trump, you are voting for your continued dispossession of your…

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Western Liberty R.I.P.

Western Liberty R.I.P. Paul Craig Roberts Germany is on the brink of modifying its constitution, to allow all 19 secret services to hack anyone at any time, for any reason, secretly ( ). — Mark Crispin Miller, News from Underground We are witnessing in every Western country a rapid transformation of what were formerly free countries into police states.…

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Was Bill Barr Paid by The Establishment to Protect Hillary, Obama, Comey, Brennan, and a Passel of Obama Regime DOJ, FBI, and CIA officials from Russiagate indictments?

Was Bill Barr Paid by The Establishment to Protect Hillary, Obama, Comey, Brennan, and a Passel of Obama Regime DOJ, FBI, and CIA officials from Russiagate indictments? Paul Craig Roberts For at least a year enough facts needed to bring indictments against those who orchestrated the Russiagate attempted overthrow of President Trump have been in the public record. Where are…

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Masks Are a Political Agenda, Not a Protection Against Covid or Flu

Masks Are a Political Agenda, Not a Protection Against Covid or Flu Paul Craig Roberts This 39-minute interview with two experts is the best information available on the efficacy and dangers of masks.  As I have reported from the beginning, unless the mask is N95 it provides zero protection against inhalation and exhalation of viruses:   All masks…

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Covid’s Threat Is Greater Than Its Medical One

Covid’s Threat Is Greater Than Its Medical One Paul Craig Roberts As readers know, I do not think that the Covid virus itself is a hoax.  From the beginning I have taken the virus seriously.  I reported the available information that the ability of the virus to spread threatened hospital capacity and could overwhelm the medical system.  I supported limited…

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We Are Being Brainwashed Into Another Lockown

We Are Being Brainwashed Into Another Lockown Paul Craig Roberts On NPR yesterday afternoon (Oct. 2) a former Obama regime official argued for a 90% lockdown of the economy for 6 weeks and mandatory masks.  He said this was the only way we can save ourselves from mass deaths that will wreck the economy worse than the 90% lockdown would.…

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Democrats Wish Death for Trump

Democrats Wish Death for Trump It is past time to hold Democrats, White Liberals and Presstitutes  Responsible for Their Campaigns of Hate and Pathological Lies   

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The New York Times, once a newspaper, Is Today an Anti-White, Anti-Trump Propaganda Organ

The New York Times, once a newspaper, Is Today an Anti-White, Anti-Trump Propaganda Organ The New York Times’ story about Trump’s taxes contradicts itself throughout.  The presstitutes rely on the stupidity of readers not to notice the contradictions but just to delight in each contradictory claim.

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The Deconstruction of White Confidence

The Deconstruction of White Confidence Paul Craig Roberts You can tell what years of anti-white propaganda in American universities, public schools and media have done by considering Ilhan Omar, a Somali who got herself elected to the US Congress by running a ballots-for-cash scheme. Omar is very aggressive in her language about white people and is confident that white people…

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The Covid Deception

The Covid Deception Paul Craig Roberts We have been deceived by public health authorities about Covid, partly from public authorities’ ignorance of the virus, its spread and treatment, but mainly on purpose.   One reason we were intentionally deceived by public health authorities, and continue to be deceived by them, is to create a market for a Covid vaccination.  There…

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