The Covid Deception Serves An Undeclared Agenda

The Covid Deception Serves An Undeclared Agenda Paul Craig Roberts Dear Readers, There is no scientific basis for the measures in place to deal with the alleged Covid Pandemic.  Among experts the support for these measures are largely limited to those with financial links with pharmaceutical corporations. Public health bureaucrats, such as Fauci at NIH, are also linked with pharmaceutical…

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The Covid Pandemic Is The Result of Public Health Authorities Blocking Effective Treatment

The Covid Pandemic Is The Result of Public Health Authorities Blocking Effective Treatment Paul Craig Roberts Why are  all the countries in the world following the same unsuccessful and irresponsible response to Covid?  The masks and six feet “social distancing” are ineffective, and so are the vaccines.  Unless the mask is a N95, the mask does not prevent transmission of…

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Breaking News—New York Times Caught In Massive Deception

Breaking News—New York Times Caught In Massive Deception Capitol Hill Policeman Murdered by Triump Violent Insurrection Is a Lie Made Up by the NY Times Glenn Greenwald exposes the New York Times fake news story of officer Brian Sicknick allegedly beat to death with a fire extinguisher by Trump supporters at the “Capitol violent insurrection.” The story is entirely the…

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Glenn Greenwald Calls Out and Pillories CNN, NBC, and NYTimes Gestapo Censors

Glenn Greenwald Calls Out and Pillories CNN, NBC, and NYTimes Gestapo Censors    The worst people in the world comprise the presstitute media. Is there a greater enemy to the First Amendment than the American Gestapo media? No, says Andrew Anglin, the presstitutes “are the embodiment of evil.” Read Anglin’s tribute to Glenn Greenwald:  The existence of CNN,…

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Are Americans Insouciant?

Are Americans Insouciant? Paul Craig Roberts On occasion a reader takes exception to my description of Americans as insouciant.  It is not our fault, the reader says.  We are misled by disformation fed to us by media and authorities we can no longer trust.  In a way the reader has a point, but not really. Anyone who can recognize disinformation…

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Proof That the US November Election Was Stolen Exists in Abundance

Proof That the US November Election Was Stolen Exists in Abundance Paul Craig Roberts The official narrative that there was no election theft is likely the largest lie ever perpetrated on the world.  The lie is so vast and so fragile that everyone who disagrees with the official narrative is suppressed, deplatformed, kicked off social media, ostracized, and fired from…

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America In Its Last Days

America In Its Last Days Paul Craig Roberts  Democrats and Media Whores Dismiss Statements of Facts as “Baseless,” But Themselves Endorse Antifa, BLM, and 1619 Project Conspiracy Theories, Russiagate Conspiracy Theory, White Supremacist Insurrection Conspiracy Theory and every other Conspiracy Theory that Serves Their Agendas Here Are the Democrats’ Supporters. They Are Marching Through D.C. Threatening People and Violence.  Why…

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The Western Media Are the Agents of Big Brother

The Western Media Are the Agents of Big Brother What It Comes Down To Is that Presstitutes Are Stinking Dirty Scum Who Have Sold Out Freedom. 

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The Criminalization of Free Speech

  The Establishment Sicced the Presstitutes on Free Speech. The First Amendment will be regulated and then criminalized. A stake must be driven through its heart in order that explanations can be controlled. 

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The Biden Regime Will Be America’s First Totalitarian Government

The Biden Regime Will Be America’s First Totalitarian Government Paul Craig Roberts It is unavoidable.  The presstitutes have white conservative American Trump supporters set up as “systemic racists,” “MEGA terrorists,” “enemies of democracy,” and “white supremacist oppressors.”   As Biden’s staffing reveals, the regime is staffed with people hostile to white gentiles.  The regime’s “anti-domestic terrorism bill” voids the First…

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The American Media Is a Propaganda Dispenser

The American Media Is a Propaganda Dispenser Once The Hill was a publication providing information about what was going on in Congress. These days it is crude propaganda in behalf of conspiracy theories such as the alleged threat of Trump voters against American national security.  Many Americans are dumb, but are they as dumb as the presstitutes’ propaganda assumes? “The…

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Russia’s President Putin Warns That Censorship Is Killing American Democracy

Russia’s President Putin Warns That Censorship Is Killing American Democracy  Is There Anything Left of Our Country? Paul Craig Roberts Russia’s President Putin last week at the World Economic Forum called out America’s Big Tech Monopolies for preventing free speech and attempting “to harshly and unilaterally govern society, replace legitimate democratic institutions, restrict one’s natural right to decide for themselves…

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The Countries in Which Hydroxychloroquine Treatment of Covid Was Permitted Have a 79% Lower Covid Mortality Rate

The Countries in Which Hydroxychloroquine Treatment of Covid Was Permitted Have a 79% Lower Covid Mortality Rate As I early reported, HCQ with zinc and azithromycin cures Covid. President Trump said so too.  Big Pharma wanted to sell a vaccine.  Their agent Dr. Fauci and the presstitutes who wanted yet another issue with which to attack Trump declared HCQ harmful. …

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In America Truth Is the Hardest Thing to Find

In America Truth Is the Hardest Thing to Find Paul Craig Roberts The FBI and a grandstanding acting US attorney, Michael Sherwin, are after Trump supporters. The FBI has arrested 150 people for their alleged role in the alleged “Capitol riot.”  The fact that there was no Capitol riot doesn’t matter.  No facts matter.  This is a shut-down-all-opposition-to-The Establishment operation. …

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The Media Destroyed America

The Media Destroyed America Paul Craig Roberts It did not take long for the Lie Machine, aka American media, to create the false news and fake narrative of the “storming of the US Capitol” on January 6 by a “white supremacist insurrection.”  Here is an example from Bloomberg Weekend Reading on January 23, 2021:  “The scenes from the first day…

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Russiagate Redux

Russiagate Redux Paul Craig Roberts Hillary & Nancy Say It Wasn’t the stolen election that Discredited American Democracy, It Was Putin’s Order to Trump to Cause an Insurrection on January 6 Listen to the Idiots Into Whose Hands Our Country Has Been Put: Hillary Clinton asks House Speaker Nancy Pelosi if a new Russiagate investigation is necessary in order to…

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Signs of Our Time

Signs of Our Time The Documents Proving that Russiagate Was an Orchestrated Hoax by the Obama DOJ and FBI Have Been Released, But You Will Never Hear a Word from the Presstitutes, and the Government Officials Who Committed Crimes Will Not be Punished. Every institution of the US government, the media, and educational system, are totally corrupt and under the…

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Americans No Longer Live In A Free Society

Americans No Longer Live In A Free Society And unity is in the trash bin of history The Establishment Who Control US Media and Universities Are Determined to Destroy Trump Supporters Trump Lawyer Ousted as Law School Professor  Harvard Students Demand School Revoke Degrees For Trump Supporters Who Work In Government Go to Harvard University and Learn to be…

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The Establishment Has Prepared Another Assault on Trump America

The Establishment Has Prepared Another Assault on Trump America Paul Craig Roberts Today Stephen Lendman describes the militarization and fortification of Washington in advance of Wednesday’s inauguration— .  (Stephen Lendman is not a Trumper.  He is a Jewish intellectual and member of the old left which stood up for the working class. The old left are dying off, and those…

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Don’t Fall For The Establishment’s Tall Tales. There Was No “Violent Assault on the Capitol” and There is Abundant Evidence of Electoral Fraud

Don’t Fall For The Establishment’s Tall Tales.  There Was No “Violent Assault on the Capitol” and There is Abundant Evidence of Electoral Fraud In this important column I provide you with evidence that there was no assault on the Capitol, and I provide you with so much evidence that there was massive electoral fraud that it will take you all…

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In the US Cancel Culture Has Erased the First Amendment

In the US Cancel Culture Has Erased the First Amendment Senator Josh Hawley, Republican from Missouri, has had his book contract cancelled by Simon & Schuster because he fought for election integrity. Simon & Schuster and the presstitutes said that Senator Hawley had endangered freedom and democracy by demanding examination of the evidence that the election was stolen.  To demand…

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Is the Establishment Planning a False Flag “Insurrection” for Inauguration Day?

Is the Establishment Planning a False Flag “Insurrection” for Inauguration Day? Paul Craig Roberts The question in the title is legitimate in light of the extraordinary and unusal letter signed by all members of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff condemning Trump supporters for insurrection and calling on the US military to remain ready for another attempt at sedition on…

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Why Does the US Department of Justice Want to Worsen the Split in the US Population?

Why Does the US Department of Justice Want to Worsen the Split in the US Population? Paul Craig Roberts The initial charges against those few who entered the Capitol during the Trump rally were “entering a restricted building without permission and engaging in disorderly conduct while inside.”  This charge does not carry sufficient punishment for the kind of example the…

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Democrats Launch Their Assault on Red State America

Democrats Launch Their Assault on Red State America Civil War Heats Up Paul Craig Roberts The opening salvo against red state America is the article of impeachment against President Trump introduced on January 11 by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Democrat Representatives David Cicilline, Ted Lieu, and Jamie Raskin.  So much for Biden’s promise to “unify the country.”   What…

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