Is Putin Walking into a Propaganda Trap?

THE BIDEN/PUTIN SUMMIT Is Putin Walking into a Propaganda Trap? Paul Craig Roberts explains the summit Russian and English language versions:  Scroll down for English    Support your website:    Is Putin Walking into a Propaganda Trap Paul Craig Roberts Before we give in to hopes that the Biden/Putin Summit will result in better relations between the US…

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Without Truth There Is No Freedom

Without Truth There Is No Freedom or Security Paul Craig Roberts  June brings my  quarterly request for donations. Your financial support for the website tells me that my efforts are valued and worthwhile.  Your donations support me in standing up to the smears. Telling the truth in America in these days is a punished, not a rewarded, activity.   The…

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Insouciance Destroyed America

Insouciance Destroyed America Paul Craig Roberts Most Americans have no idea how far gone their country is.  We not only have the Biden regime announcing solidarity with BLM and flying the BLM flag at US embassies and consular missions, US military recruitment videos stressing recruitment of lesbian females, men dressing as women, and Americans having their genitals removed so they…

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Easy to hack US elections 

Easy to hack US elections    The Democrats, presstitutes, and Dominion told us that the voting machines were not hackable.  Here is a bevy of independent experts explaining that the machines are very hackable.  So, why did the Democrats, presstitutes, and Dominion lie?

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If No Election Fraud Why Are Democrats Desperate to Block Maricopa County, Arizona Audit?

If No Election Fraud Why Are Democrats Desperate to Block Maricopa County, Arizona Audit? Paul Craig Roberts Arizona Democrats have refused to comply with court orders and have declared an audit “racist.” The criminal gang that masquerades as the US Dept of Justice has declared the election audit  “voter intimidtion” as the DOJ attempts to intimidate Republicans to cease the…

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The American Multicultural State Is Collapsing

The American Multicultural State Is Collapsing Paul Craig Roberts The lesson of Officer Derek Chauvin’s show trial, a trial as crooked as any experienced by black Americans in the demonized South, is that police training needs to be changed. Chauvin is the victim of many years of media emphasis on police brutality against black Americans. According to reports, US police,…

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The US Brainwashes the World

The US Brainwashes the World Paul Craig Roberts The American Establishment uses the presstitute lie machine to control the narrative for most of the world by broadcasting disinformation in 59 languages.  Countries and their news services rely on “news” from the US to comprehend world events.  Most of the world has little alternative to American news sources except for the…

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THE CAMP OF THE SAINTS IS UPON US Paul Craig Roberts The national disintegration of France is progressing precisely as Jean Raspail predicted in his novel.  Those who see the disintegration and urge its halt are the ones punished exactly as in the novel.  The situation in the United States is far more serious than in France.  In the…

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Can War With Russia Be Avoided?

Can War With Russia Be Avoided? Paul Craig Roberts The Russian Free Press (svpressa) Interviewed me on the Topic of Avoiding Conflict Between the Russian Federation and the United States.  The interview in English can be found here:   The film date of the interview is April 23, 2021. The Interview in Russian is here:   and here:  …

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The Hypocrisy of White Women Is Making Some People Angry

The Hypocrisy of White Women Is Making Some People Angry Do the liberal Democrats and presstitutes understand the consequences of the divisions they have created in American society?  This article is an indication that the divisions are taking a very hard form.  We now have a society akin to Sunni/Shia conflict.   

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Journalists, Learning They Spread a CIA Fraud About Russia, Instantly Embrace a New One

Journalists, Learning They Spread a CIA Fraud About Russia, Instantly Embrace a New One The scum presstitutes and corrupt Democrats have not apologized to Trump for spreading this lie.

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In America Faux Reality Can Be More Convincing Than Facts

In America Faux Reality Can Be More Convincing Than Facts Paul Craig Roberts I was hopeful that Russian-based news sources such as RT and Sputnik would do a better job than the American presstitutes.  To an extent, RT and Sputnik do a better job than the New York Times and CNN.  RT and Sputnik report news that otherwise doesn’t see…

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The United States Cannot Survive the Corruption of Its Leaders and the Insouciance of Its People

The United States Cannot Survive the Corruption of Its Leaders and the Insouciance of Its People Paul Craig Roberts The United States military was sent into Afghanistan two decades ago on the basis of a lie. The warmonger neoconservative George W. Bush regime lied to the American people, to US soldiers, and to the world that Osama bin Laden was…

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Israelis Treat Palestinians Like Nazis Treated Jews

Israelis Treat Palestinians Like Nazis Treated Jews Paul Craig Roberts The Nazis had “the Jewish problem.”  Israelis have “the Palestinian problem.”  The US Congress has long been owned by the Israel Lobby.  Indeed, members of the US Congress routinely put Israel ahead of the interests of Americans and human rights. As far as Israel and the US Congress are…

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Did You Hear About This? 

Did You Hear About This?  Of course not, the function of the presstitutes is to cover up black-on-white crimes.  Soon you will hear: “There are no black criminals, only victims of white racism.” 

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Where Did the “Covid Pandemic” Come From and What Is Its Purpose?

Where Did the “Covid Pandemic” Come From and What Is Its Purpose? Paul Craig Roberts First of all, Covid is a real virus.  The evidence is strong that Covid is a product of illegal bioweapon research.  Research on making viruses more transmissible began at the University of North Carolina and was transferred to the laboratory in Wuhan, China, where it…

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No Fair Trial for Officer Chauvin

No Fair Trial for Officer Chauvin Paul Craig Roberts The American Establishment is determined that Chauvin will not get a fair trial. Chauvin is the Establishment’s showpiece of white racism.  The point that is being made is that the KKK is alive and well, only instead of a noose it is knee-on-neck.  An unthinking and unaware Chauvin gave them the…

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How Much Longer Will the United States Exist?

How Much Longer Will the United States Exist? Paul Craig Roberts As a geographical location, the US, not necessarily under that name, can exist for a long time.  But as a nation the US no longer exists.  A nation requires a homogeneous population, which the US does not have, and far more unity than exists today in the US.  Once…

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Officer Chauvin’s Show Trial Will Bring the End of Law and Order

Officer Chauvin’s Show Trial Will Bring the End of Law and Order Paul Craig Roberts The United States now has attributes of the 20th century totalitarian regimes that it opposed.  The New York governor is implementing the hated Soviet internal passport that prevents freedom of movement, and the illegitimate Biden regime is working with private firms to create a nationwide…

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The Washington Post Is a Propaganda Organ for War

The Washington Post Is a Propaganda Organ for War Paul Craig Roberts The Washington Post has been long regarded as a CIA asset.  That does not mean it is, but whether it is or isn’t, the Washington Post behaves as one. Consider its March 26 editorial.  The Washington Post champions Alexei Navalny, “an irrepressible spirit” attempting to rescue Russia from…

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Sowing Seeds of War

Sowing Seeds of War Paul Craig Roberts China Is Losing Patience with Washington. “You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry,” China tells Washington, and China is getting angry. Beijing warns US and its UK, Canadian, Australian, and New Zealand puppets to give up pretending they constitute “world opinion.”  This rebuke to the “Five Eyes” follows a strong dressing down…

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I Have Outlived My Country

Support Truth-Tellers, An Endangered Species I Have Outlived My Country Paul Craig Roberts I was born in the spring of 1939.  I was a few days shy of 5 months old when Germany invaded Poland on September 1.  The British and French governments responded to the invasion by declaring war on Germany, thus initiating World War II.   Germany always…

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The New Journalism Is Destroying Us

March brings my quarterly appeal for your support. It is becoming more difficult and more dangerous to tell the truth.  Censorship is closing down reliable information.  The Establishment has lost patience with those who dispute its narratives. Science is being politicized. Orwell’s memory hole is opening wider.  Accountability is everywhere disappearing as civil liberties are contravened by Elite agendas. Today…

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New York Times Tells Readers: Thinking Is Dangerous, Just Believe Us

New York Times Tells Readers: Thinking Is Dangerous, Just Believe Us Paul Craig Roberts The NY Times advises you not to think. Thinking requires using your unreliable brain and will lead you into conspiracy theories.  Just believe whatever the NY Times tells you and you will have an approved source of information.  The NY Times regards its own propaganda…

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