The Covid Scam Is Unraveling 

The Covid Scam Is Unraveling  Paul Craig Roberts The Covid Scam is collapsing across the entire front much like the Wehrmacht after Stalingrad. Mask mandates and lockdowns are on the comeback because health authorities now admit that the Covid vaccines do not offer effective protection, especially against what are called “new variants.”  What is the point of a Covid passport…

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The Fauci Protection Team

The Fauci Protection Team Paul Craig Roberts Someone, almost certainly Dr. Fauci’s business partner, Big Pharma, has organized an active Internet support system to shield Dr. Fauci from accountability.  Fauci is in difficulty for a variety of reasons, including his conflicts of interest with Big Pharma.  He has a financial relationship with companies whose products he approves.  But his…

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Insanity Now Rules the Covid Hype, Rational Discourse Is Impossible

Big Pharma and Its Shills Have Substituted Lies and Coercion for Evidence and Analysis Insanity Now Rules the Covid Hype, Rational Discourse Is Impossible   CNN continued its wall to wall broadcasts calling for unvaccinated people to be punished, with analysts again calling for those who haven’t gotten the COVID shots to be segregated from society and forced to pay…

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It Is the Covid Vaccine, Not Covid, that Is Killing & Sickening People

  The Prevalence of Evil Paul Craig Roberts The evidence is now overwhelming that we have been systematically and intentionally lied to by “public health agencies” that in reality are captured regulatory bodies serving the interests of Big Pharma, by an incompetent and indoctrinated medical profession, by politicians, and by scum presstitutes.   The alleged Covid pandemic is the product…

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Today as in Wyatt Earp’s Day, It Is the Proclivity of Democrats to Favor the Criminals

Today as in Wyatt Earp’s Day, It Is the Proclivity of Democrats to Favor the Criminals Paul Craig Roberts A friend who haunts used book sales passed on to me Wyatt Earp by Casey Tefertiller published by John Wiley & Sons in 1997.  It was a New York Times “Notable Book” and History Book Club Selection. It is hard to…

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US Navy Facing Leadership Crisis

News that you won’t hear from the presstitutes The US navy is facing a crisis in leadership and focuses too much on diversity training and not enough on winning a future war, according to a Senate report.  US Navy told to focus on fighting, not ‘woke’ training Senior officers must prioritise sinking enemy fleets over diversity, says Senate report…

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The Covid Deception Exposed

The Covid Deception Exposed Paul Craig Roberts The presstitutes continue to program us with unreliable information about the Covid threat. For example, consider these two reports from the Miami Herald: DeSantis is so over Florida’s COVID pandemic. He shouldn’t be. Here’s why | Editorial (The above editorial has either been taken down or the Miami Herald URL system has…

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America’s Frontline Doctors File Federal Lawsuit to Curtail Emergency Use of Covid Vaccines

  Update: Lisbon Court Rules Only 0.9% of ‘Verified Cases’ Died of COVID, Numbering 152, Not 17,000 Claimed  Related Development: A federal district court has ordered NIH to release the Moderna safety data from Moderna’s Covid vaccine trials that Tony Fauci has been hiding. We will see if the corrupt American establishment will have a higher court overturn the…

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Covid Cases are Surging in the Most-Vaxxed Countries, Not in the Least-Vaxxed

Covid Cases are Surging in the Most-Vaxxed Countries, Not in the Least-Vaxxed Paul Craig Roberts Dr. Robert Malone, who pioneered the mRNA vaccine technology is concerned that the countries with the smallest percentage of their population vaccinated have the fewest number of new Covid cases.  Countries with the largest percentages of population vaccinated have surging numbers of new Covid cases.…

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How the Covid “Pandemic” Was Orchestrated

UPDATE: Remember, the Covid inoculation protects you VAERS data released today by the CDC showed a total of 463,457 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 10,991 deaths and 48,385 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and July 9, 2021.  VAERS reports that Covid deaths rose by 2,000 in the US in the past week.…

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Republicans Protect America’s Reputation by Covering Up the Stolen 2020 Election

Republicans Protect America’s Reputation by Covering Up the Stolen 2020 Election Paul Craig Roberts When the 2020 presidential election was stolen from President Trump, the Republican Establishment was happy to be rid of him.  Trump’s intent to bring the offshored corporate jobs back home to Americans where they belong was regarded as a threat to corporate profits.  Wall Street and…

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In Amerika Today, Law Used as a Weapon Is the Prime Danger to Citizens

In Amerika Today, Law Used as a Weapon Is the Prime Danger to Citizens The real domestic terrorists are the criminals in power in Washington Paul Craig Roberts Earlier today I posted my article pointing out how corrupt are Cyrus Vance, the Democrat Manhattan District Attorney’s office and the presstitutes who shill for the corrupt prosecutors.   I made the…

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Blue America Hates the Rest of Us and Is Out to Get Us

Blue America Hates the Rest of Us and Is Out to Get Us This is not a joke Paul Craig Roberts The Manhattan District Attorney’s office is a tool of the Democrat machine.  The office is out to destroy Republicans, especially Donald Trump and his family.   There are no valid charges against Trump and his daughter, Ivanka.  But prosecutors…

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Vaccination Does Not Protect Against Delta Variant

Vaccination Does Not Protect Against Delta Variant Israeli Officials Announce that Half of Those Newly Affected with Covid Were Fully Vaccinated  The Open Question is whether the Delta Variant is caused by the vaccine. Governments are trying to create a new scare with the Delta Variant, but Boston University infectious disease specialist Davidson Hamer reports: “We are learning that…

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The NSA Has Proven Itself To Be The Resurrection Of The Nazi Gestapo, Only Worse

The NSA Has Proven Itself To Be The Resurrection Of The Nazi Gestapo, Only Worse Paul Craig Roberts It Was OK for Fox News Journalist Megan Kelly to Interview Putin, but if Tucker Carlson Interviews Putin it Means Tucker is a Putin Agent. NSA committed a felony by leaking Tucker Carlson’s emails to presstitutes hostile to Tucker in an effort…

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Censorship Is Being Used to Institutionalize Disinformation and to Discredit Reliable Information: The Case of Naomi Wolf

Censorship Is Being Used to Institutionalize Disinformation and to Discredit Reliable Information: The Case of Naomi Wolf Paul Craig Roberts Naomi Wolf, feminist and liberal Democrat icon, has been censored and deplatformed by Twitter and Youtube. Ms. Wolf’s sin is that she “raised questions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine side effects, the constitutionality of lockdowns, and the candor of Anthony Fauci,…

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A Conspiracy to Murder

A Conspiracy to Murder The Government and the Big Pharma-Dependent Medical Profession Are Hiding the Facts About Covid and the Vaccine Paul Craig Roberts UPDATE: Just received this from an accomplished highly intelligent attorney I have known for many years: “I have just spent 10 hours a day In the hospital with my son since July 2, he is now…

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Notice the Controlled Demolition of the Damaged Florida Condo

Notice the Controlled Demolition of the Damaged Florida Condo Remind you of WTC Building 7 Note that the presstitutes fail to make the comparison

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America’s Descent Into Totalitarianism

America’s Descent Into Totalitarianism Paul Craig Roberts Everyone knows that the 2020 presidential election was stolen along with the two Georgia US senatorial elections. Little doubt much more was stolen. But no one is allowed to state the fact. Yes, fact it is. Many experts attested to the facts of the theft. They did so in testimony before state legislators…

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Profits Take Precedence Over Public Health and Civil Liberty

Profits Take Precedence Over Public Health and Civil Liberty Paul Craig Roberts Largest American Health Care Union Tells fascist New York Presbyterian Hospital and fascist Houston Methodist Hospital to Go To Hell along with their Mandatory Covid vaccination policy. Why do hospitals with Christian protestant names behave like totalitarian regimes? Why do hospitals mandate vaccination when the evidence mounts…

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FBI: Anti-white Regime Enforcers With Badges

FBI: Anti-white Regime Enforcers With Badges Glenn Greenwald Slams Presstitutes Who Coverup FBI’s Role in “Trump Insurrection”

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Tucker Carlson Reports Mounting Evidence that the “Trump insurrection” Was Staged by the FBI Just As Was “Russiagate”

Tucker Carlson Reports Mounting Evidence that the “Trump insurrection” Was Staged by the FBI Just As Was “Russiagate” Paul Craig Roberts The evidence seems clear that yet another President was removed by the military/security complex. John F. Kennedy was shot. Nixon was removed by the Watergate frame up. The two attempts on Reagan—assassination and Iran-Contra–missed. After Russiagate and impeachment failed,…

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How Long Before America Appoints a Horse to the Senate?

Support your website.  There is no one else but you:  How Long Before America Appoints a Horse to the Senate? Paul Craig Roberts A civilized society rests on truth and fact, not on deception and deceit. As truth and fact are censored, and deception and deceit are all that we have, we clearly do not have a civilized society.…

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Biden to Confront Putin with Human Rights Issue

Biden to Confront Putin with Human Rights Issue Paul Craig Roberts Support your website:  The American whore media with a straight face reports that Biden intends to confront Putin at their meeting with “the human rights issue.”  One can only marval at the audacity of this intention.  The US government is the leading abuser of human rights.  Think Serbia,…

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