The Daily Lies from Big Pharma Whore Bloomberg News

The Daily Lies from Big Pharma Whore Bloomberg News “Patience is wearing thin with the millions of people who refuse to get vaccinated against Covid-19, as hospitals everywhere buckle under the weight of admissions. There’s a growing campaign to isolate the anti-vax crowd as antisocial outliers. In France, which suffered Europe’s highest tally of new infections, President Emmanuel Macron appears to be gambling on…

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Now People Are Dying from the Vaccine

Now People Are Dying from the Vaccine Paul Craig Roberts OneAmerica is a large life insurance company in Indianapolis. The chief executive officer, Scott Davison just announced that judging by policy claims Americans of working age are suddenly dying in unprecedented numbers. He reports that all life insurance companies are experiencing a 40% rise in the death rate. “Just to…

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Ghislaine’s Jury Falls for the Coverup

Jury finds Epstein’s ‘madam’ Ghislaine Maxwell guilty on sex trafficking charges in a high-profile trial Paul Craig Roberts The purpose of Ghislaine’s show trial was to redirect attention from the Israeli blackmail operation Epstein and Ghislaine were running by defining, incorrectly, the case as one of underage sex trafficking. Epstein’s murder in his prison cell before he could spill the…

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The Minnesota Department of Health Proves that there Is NO Systemic Racism

The Minnesota Department of Health Proves that there Is NO Systemic Racism Paul Craig Roberts A Minnesota Department of Health Document, “Ethical Framework for Allocation of Monoclonal Antibodies during the COVID-19 Pandemic,” describes the rationing system to be used in Minnesota for rationing monoclonal antibodies to those infected with Covid. Various factors are considered, such as comorbidities, age, pregnancy, and…

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Does a Country Whose Population Is Incapable of Thought Really Exist?

Support your website if you support truth. Does a Country Whose Population Is Incapable of Thought Really Exist? Paul Craig Roberts Cornell University’s president, Martha E. Pollack, probably a gender-diversity appointment, but perhaps not, has closed down Cornell university because of the Omicron variant. And guess what: they were all vaccinated. “Virtually every case of the Omicron variant to date…

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I don’t want to hear any more about the “Free World.” There’s not one.

Support Your Website. There Is No One Else to Support it. Truth is Fragile and Is Becoming Dangerous to Speak and to Write. I don’t want to hear any more about the “Free World.” There’s not one. Paul Craig Roberts The corrupt UK High Court is nothing but an extension of the corrupt US Department of Justice (sic) and has…

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The Fragility of Freedom in the Free World

The Fragility of Freedom in the Free World Paul Craig Roberts Dear Readers, December brings my quarterly request that you show me with donations that my work is worth the effort I make in your behalf.  Your support is the only measure I have of the worth of my use of my time and effort in behalf of truth. 2021…

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Et Tu Putin ?

Et Tu Putin ? Alas, if this report is correct, it appears that Dr. Fauci also controls Russia and that the Russian media are also presstitutes.  There were hopes that there would be at least one free white country remaining, but apparently not. 

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Covid Vaccination Has Produced a Reported 31,014 Deaths and 2,890,600 Injuries in Europe

31,014 Deaths 2,890,600 Injuries Following COVID Shots in European Database of Adverse Reactions as Young, Previously Healthy People Continue to Die not from Covid but from the vaccine Remember, only a small percentage of deaths and injuries are reported.  The actual numbers are much higher. Do not expect the Western media ever to report the facts. The presstitutes are busy…

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Australian Army Now Moving Australians into Concentration Camps

Australian Army Now Moving Australians into Concentration Camps Paul Craig Roberts As I reported earlier — — in Australia, formerly a free country, now a Nazi state, the Australian army is transporting Australians who test positive for Covid and those who have had contact with them to quarantine camps. The forceful internment of Australians has begun in the…

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Idiots at the Catholic University of America Turned a Felon who Killed himself with an Overdose of Fentanyl into Jesus Christ

Idiots at the Catholic University of America Turned a Felon who Killed himself with an Overdose of Fentanyl into Jesus Christ As the dictionary says: Fentanyl is “high risk for addiction and dependence. Can cause respiratory distress and death when taken in high doses or when combined with other substances, especially alcohol.” Floyd’s dose was two to three times the…

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The Covid Protocol Is a Conspiracy Against Human Health

The Covid Protocol Is a Conspiracy Against Human Health Paul Craig Roberts Gibraltar’s entire population is Covid vaccinated, including the Spaniards who cross the border each day to work. But everyone still has to wear a mask, and Christmas has been cancelled because Covid cases are exploding. Obviously, the “vaccine” does not protect. So why the mandates and illegal…

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In the Western world, journalism has been replaced by the Ministry of Propaganda

In the Western world, journalism has been replaced by the Ministry of Propaganda Paul Craig Roberts “If the Trump-era FBI had executed search warrants inside the newsrooms of The New York Times and NBC News, we would be demanding evidence to prove it was legally justified. Yet virtually nothing has been provided to justify the FBI’s targeting of O’Keefe and…

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Despicable corrupt Democrats continue to harass Trump Supporters with False Charges

Despicable corrupt Democrats continue to harass Trump Supporters with False Charges There was no “Capitol Hill Riot.” Bannon has done nothing and knows nothing about a non-event. If Bannon is not protected under executive privilege, why not? The presstitutes have confused the insouciant public. The Trump Rally was a mile or more away at the Washington Monument. The so-called “Trump…

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The Vaccine Is Killing More People than Covid

The Vaccine Is Killing More People than Covid Paul Craig Roberts Dear Readers: We know that NIH funded gain-of-function research at the University of North Carolina and then in the Wuhan China lab. We know the vaccine does not protect. We know it injects a pathogen into the body. We know the vaccine causes death and illnesses. There are known…

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Prosecutorial Misconduct in Kyle Rittenhouse Trial Exposed

Police and Prosecutors withhold or destroy exculpatory evidence in order to control the narrative and frame Kyle Rittenhouse — Subsequently prosecutorial witnesses were destroyed in cross examination by defense attorney — Is the frame up failing? But witnesses line up to confirm Rittenhouse’s story. Man shot by Kyle Rittenhouse admits he pulled gun on teenager first From…

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2,433 Dead Babies in VAERS as Another Study Shows mRNA Shots Not Safe for Pregnant Women

2,433 Dead Babies in VAERS as Another Study Shows mRNA Shots Not Safe for Pregnant Women The utterly corrupt medical authorities recommended the killer “vaccine” for pregnant women, and the result is 2,433 dead from spontaneous abortion. This is criminal. This is mass murder. Why does the US Government tolerate this. Why do the presstitutes cover it up?

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Excess Deaths from the “Vaccine” Point to a Depopulation Agenda

Excess Deaths from the “Vaccine” Point to a Depopulation Agenda “I think it’s highly likely that the next phase will involve death [from Covid “vaccine”] on a scale which will dwarf the claims of ‘covid-19 deaths’ to date.” — Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Paul Craig Roberts There is no evidence that Big Pharma’s…

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The Matrix Has Tightened Its Grip

The Matrix Has Tightened Its Grip Paul Craig Roberts The English language Russian media organizations, RT and Sputnik, and the new online and I think print newspaper, The Epoch Times, provide news and information that never appear on CNN, MSNBC, over NPR, or in the New York Times, but their reporting could be much better. The problem for RT, Sputnik,…

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Coronavirus A.30 variant ‘efficiently evades’ antibodies induced by Pfizer & AstraZeneca vaccines – lab study

Coronavirus A.30 variant ‘efficiently evades’ antibodies induced by Pfizer & AstraZeneca vaccines – lab study This is precisely what experts predicted. The experts were censored by the presstitutes and threatened by employers. The “Covid Vaccine” has launched a never-ending creation of new variants immune to vaccines. If only we had listened to honest experts instead of to Big Pharma’s hired…

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“NATO was not created for peace It was conceived, designed and created for confrontation.” — Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin Press Secretary

“NATO was not created for peace It was conceived, designed and created for confrontation.” — Dmitry Peskov, Kremlin Press Secretary If Fauci, Gates, Big Pharma, and the presstitutes don’t destroy humanity with the death shot, the neocon warmongers will destroy us with nuclear war. Nowhere in the West is there any sign of intelligence and morality in the leadership. Evil…

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It Is Vaccinated, not unvaccinated, People Who Generate Variants

It Is Vaccinated, not unvaccinated, People Who Generate Variants The truth is the opposite of the official narrative: The Vaccinated People Are Threats to the Unvaccinated. Why is the public fed a blatant obvious lie by Biden, Fauci, Walensky, the AMA, and the scum presstitutes? Why are truth-tellers demonized instead of liars? What is the real agenda?

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Nebraska Attorney General Issues Devastating Critique of the Suppression of Ivermectin and HCQ as Covid Treatments

Nebraska Attorney General Issues Devastating Critique of the Suppression of Ivermectin and HCQ as Covid Treatments, Suppression that Has Caused Hundreds of Thousands of Deaths and Millions of Health Injuries Why have presstitutes, the AMA, Fauci, Walensky, and politicians lied to us and prevented effective treatment and control of the Covid virus? What is the real agenda? We are experiencing…

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Big Pharma’s Latest Assault on Our Health

Big Pharma’s Latest Assault on Our Health Paul Craig Roberts The criminal organization, Merck, announced today that they filed an “emergency use authorization” request with the company’s agent, the FDA, for an oral antiviral medicine for treating Covid-19. Former FDA commissioner and shill for Big Pharma, Scott Gottlieb, lobbied for the emergency use authorization on CNBC, declaring the untested pill…

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