In Case You Care to Know What Is Really Going On

In Case You Care to Know What Is Really Going On Putin is catching on Putin Orders Ruble Payments for Energy   But he has a way to go When will Putin realize that Russian default on loans is the proper response to the seizure of Russian assets?  Russia would have to be extremely foolish to borrow another cent…

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Why the West Hates Putin

  Support Your Website Why the West Hates Putin Paul Craig Roberts Putin is a liberal in the old fashioned sense that no longer exists in the West. He believes in sustaining a network of laws and agreements that resolve disputes diplomatically instead of with violence. He believes that government should serve the people and not the economic interests of…

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The Fake News Matrix

Support Your Website The Fake News Matrix Paul Craig Roberts A friend insisted that I  watch some of the US TV reporting of Russia’s police action in Eastern Ukraine, called a “Russian invasion” by the Western Presstitutes.  He said it was such comically infantile war propaganda that he was insulted that the media would think Americans stupid enough to fall…

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Breaking News: Putin Acknowledges that Washington Has Launched a War of Annihilation Against Russia

  Support your website Putin Acknowledges that Washington Has Launched a War of Annihilation Against Russia Paul Craig Roberts In his speech to the assembly of national, regional, and district leaders on Russia’s response to the sanctions, Putin first factually describes the situation in Ukraine, how it developed, and Russia’s objective.  It stands in striking contrast to Western propaganda. Putin’s…

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Is Russia’s Central Bank Chief a “Hostile Foreign Agent” Deliberately Sabotaging the Russian Economy?

  SUPPORT  YOUR  WEBSITE  — there is no one but you to support truth Is Russia’s Central Bank Chief a “Hostile Foreign Agent” Deliberately Sabotaging the Russian Economy? Mike Whitney Interviews Paul Craig Roberts about the Sanctions Against Russia  “We could completely offset the negative consequences of financial sanctions if the Bank of Russia fulfilled its constitutional duty to…

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Ukrainian Update #7

Truth cannot live without support.  Support your website. Ukrainian Update #7 Paul Craig Roberts Yesterday I completed a major article on the sanctions and their impacts.  As Saturday readership is light, I am holding it for release tomorrow. For now, a brief update on the situation in Ukraine.  The Western lie machine continues to speak of “the Russian invasion of…

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Crisis Actors Pretending to be dead Ukrainians Can’t Keep Still and Fox News Talking Heads Can’t Stop Lying

Note: A couple of readers have written saying that the video of the undead bodies was originally part of an environmental protest in Austria and that someone, perhaps poking fun at the Western media, re-scripted the video as fake Ukrainian dead. Support Your Website–There is no one but you to support it Crisis Actors Pretending to be dead Ukrainians Can’t…

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Ukrainian Update #5

Support Your Website.  There is no one to support it but you. Ukrainian Update #5 Paul Craig Roberts This morning I am going to play Armchair General.  I will say upfront that I have little doubt, unless the Kremlin changes its mind, the Russian military operation in Ukraine will be successful, but not the success it could have been.  I…

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“The Empire of Lies”

Support your website or you will be without truth “The Empire of Lies” Paul Craig Roberts It is March and time for my quarterly request for your donations.  This website is carried by monthly donors.  I remind other users on a quarterly basis that they need to support the endangered species of people who tell the truth.  I look forward…

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Ukraine Update #3

Ukraine Update #3 Paul Craig Roberts Begin by reading Michael Hudson’s explanation that the sanctions actually fall on Germany and serve the interests of the three interest groups who rule in Washington.   The sanctions do far more to serve Washington’s interest than to hurt Russia’s.  For Russia the main burden of the sanctions is the insult. Russia is…

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A Wider War Is In Prospect

  Update: Ramzan Kadyrov, the  leader of the province of Chechnya  commands some of Russia’s most feared combat units. He said Russia’s tactics are not working because they are too sluggish.  The West has armed Ukraine with new generation heavy artillery and weapons, while Russia is not using its heavy artillery and weapons such as TOS.  It seems that even…

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Ukraine Update #2

Ukraine Update #2 Paul Craig Roberts The function of the Western media is to turn fiction into fact and lie into truth. Once the narrative is established, it is repeated endlessly.  I worked hard yesterday to give my readers a true account of the situation.  Today I will update the military situation and point out difficulties that the Kremlin might…

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Here Is the Full Text of Putin’s Speech This Morning, Feb 24, 2022

Here Is the Full Text of Putin’s Speech This Morning, Feb 24, 2022 Read it so that you understand the situation.  You will not get a word of truth from the mouths of Western politicians and presstitutes. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends, I consider it necessary today to speak again about the tragic events in Donbass and the key aspects of ensuring the security of Russia. I will begin…

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Breaking News  Feb 21, 4pm US Central time: Today the World Changed

Breaking News  Feb 21, 4pm US Central time Today the World Changed Paul Craig Roberts I listened to Putin’s address to the Russian people, indeed, to the entire world, following his meeting with the Security Council.  He expressed his sadness that negotiating with the West has taught him complete distrust of Washington, and Putin made it clear that Russia would…

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The Washington Post:  The Voice of the CIA

The Washington Post:  The Voice of the CIA Paul Craig Roberts The Washington Post has always been a CIA asset.  The CIA used the Washington Post to orchestrate the Watergate narrative used to drive President Nixon out of office. The CIA wanted Nixon gone, because Nixon was threatening the military/security complex’s budget and power by making arms control  agreements with…

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Negotiations Have Got Russia Nowhere

Negotiations Have Got Russia Nowhere Paul Craig Roberts One wonders if Putin and Lavrov will ever understand that there is no possibility whatsoever of having a successful negotiation of Russia’s security concerns with Washington.  There are powerful reasons for this impossibility and the reasons are powerfully obvious. One reason is that Washington greatly prefers Russia as an enemy than as…

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By all Measures the US Has the World’s Most Incompetent Government and the Worst Media

By all Measures the US Has the World’s Most Incompetent Government and the Worst Media Paul Craig Roberts US President Biden claims Russian troops continue “encircling Ukraine” even as Moscow says they are withdrawing. The Russian soldiers were never there for the purpose of invading Ukraine. They were in Belarus as part of a training exercise akin to the ones…

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General Milley Tells Congress to Be Careful Who You Shake Your Fist At

General Milley Tells Congress to Be Careful Who You Shake Your Fist At Paul Craig Roberts Ukraine’s foreign minister boasts that in the past few months Western governments have handed over $1.5 billion in bribes, that is, aid, and “more than 1,000 tons of arms and armaments” to keep the pot boiling. If the tons are US tons, that comes…

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What Is Going On With Covid In Israel?

What Is Going On With Covid In Israel? Paul Craig Roberts According to reports from Israel, the population there is 90% vaccinated and boostered with some on 4 jabs, and hospitals are full of Omicron patients and so many doctors and nurses are themselves sick that there is no one to care for the patients. What is going on? First…

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We Have Had a Narrow Escape from Tyranny But the War on Freedom Is Not Over

We Have Had a Narrow Escape from Tyranny But the War on Freedom Is Not Over Paul Craig Roberts On January 23 I reviewed on this website Kees Van Der Pijl’s new book, States of Emergency . Van Der Pijl answers the question so many people have of why and how a fake “deadly pandemic” was orchestrated with worldwide…

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Must Watch: Here is a Documentary of Testimony of Medical Practitioners and Experts from around the World that Shows the “Covid Pandemic” Is Entirely Fictional, an Orchestrated Creation to Serve Secret Agendas

Must Watch Here is a Documentary of Testimony of Medical Practitioners and Experts from around the World that Shows the “Covid Pandemic” Is Entirely Fictional, an Orchestrated Creation to Serve Secret Agendas The peoples of the world have been totally betrayed by their governments and ruling elites and the presstitutes. The Covid Deception is the worst crime in human history.…

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President Biden Is a Tool of Big Pharma

President Biden Is a Tool of Big Pharma Paul Craig Roberts The lunatic occupant of the Oval Office has arbitrarily yanked from use the only “establishment approved” Covid treatment, monoclonal antibodies. As Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis correctly states: Biden’s “indefensible edict takes treatment out of the hands of medical professionals and will cost some Americans their lives. There are real-world…

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The Covid Deception: We Were Lied to Big Time

The Covid Deception: We Were Lied to Big Time Here is a collage of information that demonstrates the extent to which we have been deceived by Fauci, the corrupt medical establishment, and the presstitutes. Read them all, and wonder how it was possible for the American population to be so easily deceived at great cost to health, life, and civil…

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The Russians Would Do a Lot Better if They Stopped Responding to Western Accusations

The Russians Would Do a Lot Better if They Stopped Responding to Western Accusations Paul Craig Roberts Someone should explain media to the Russians. When the Russians respond to propagandistic accusations, they give the propaganda more life and spread it further. Washington has blamed its attempted overthrow of the Kazakh government on “Russian aggression.” Maria Zakharova has replied to the…

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