Does America Have a Future?

Does America Have a Future?

Paul Craig Roberts

As readers know, I expected Biden to be moved aside. I wondered why the Democrats were waiting so long. They might have been waiting to see if the planned assassination of Trump succeeded. Biden is an issue because he cannot win or come close enough to winning for the Democrats to be able to steal the election as they did in 2020. As the assassination failed, the Democrats need a more viable candidate, one the media can hype as one who can run a close race and win. Fake polls will be published that show the Democrat to be leading Trump. This allows the Democrats to steal the election if necessary.

As there is not sufficient time for the Democrats to create a winning persona for a new presidential candidate, they need someone with name recognition and existing support, such as Hillary Clinton. Hillary and Obama are the main political figures in the Democrat Party. If Hillary has Obama’s support, she is likely to be the candidate. Kamala Harris is not regarded as having any better chance than Biden.

I do not think the Democrats can come up with a candidate who can defeat Trump. Democrats in the swing states have legalized the theft mechanisms they used in 2020 and 2022. If the race can be presented as close, the Democrats can steal the election, but they cannot win it.

Donald Trump’s presidency was disrupted by the ruling elite/deep state because he presented as a threat to them. When he said he intended to normalize relations with Russia Trump threatened the budget and power of the military/security complex, which needs Russia as an enemy. The director of the CIA, John Brennan, declared Trump to be a “traitor to America.” This set the ruling establishment working against Trump. There was Russia-gate, two impeachments, porn star-gate, documents-gate, insurrection-gate and then 4 criminal indictments and several civil indictments. The Democrats acting for the Deep State believed they could get rid of Trump in these ways.

When these attempts failed, they turned to assassination. Acoustic evidence of the shootings make it completely clear that there were more than one shooter. Crooks was the patsy. Trump survived the assassination, because he turned his head.

The attempted assassination has given Trump a large sympathy vote. He cannot be honestly defeated.

The real question is: Will the deep state get away with its assassination attempt and will it attempt another?

In order to keep the public’s focus off the attempted assassination. The Secret Service is being blamed for withholding sufficient resources necessary to protect Trump. This focuses attention away from a plot to kill Trump and places it on the sufficiency of the Secret Service’s budget and the appropriateness of its “diversity, equity, and inclusion” personnel policy.

The Republicans are likely to agree to sweep the intent issue under the rug in order to “protect America’s reputation.” It wouldn’t do to showcase the US as a country where presidents and would-be presidents are shot down by the opposition.

What America faces is a population more divided than in 1861. One party, the Democrats, has as an agenda the normalization and legitimization of sexual perversion. The other party, the Republicans, are protective of traditional sexual morality. One party, the Democrats, has an agenda of open borders and a Tower of Babel instead of a nation. The other party, the Republicans, desire an ethnic-based nation. These agendas cannot be reconciled. To put it bluntly, America cannot be unified. Trump’s statement that he is going to unify America is fatuous.

I expect that there will be more attempts on Trump’s life.

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