The Official Narrative of Trump’s Near Assassination is Being Formed

The Official Narrative of Trump’s Near Assassination is Being Formed

Paul Craig Roberts

The official narrative for Trump’s near assassination that is forming seems to be Secret Service incompetence. The security voids are being attributed to an inexperienced Secret Service team, to a lack of communication between local police and Secret Service, and to the Secret Service director’s statement that the slope of the roof made it too dangerous to have Secret Service agents on the roof. But not too dangerous for the shooter. And without regard to the danger to which Trump was left exposed.

So, if there is an investigation, it will be about whether “diversity, equity, and inclusion” harmed competence, and not about whether the deep state intended Trump’s assassination.

The security lapses are so large that they naturally lead to what are called “conspiracy theories.” Without honest and intelligent investigative reporters supported by news organizations, the general public cannot tell when information is a conspiracy theory and when the charge that it is a conspiracy theory is used to suppress factual information that doesn’t fit the official narrative.

Two pieces of information and one hypothesis have emerged that fall into the difficult to assess zone. One is that Austin Private Wealth, LLC shorted 12,000,000 shares of Trump Media & Technology Group shares. If Trump had been killed, this short would result in massive profit. The investment company explains away its short as a “clerical error.” In other words, just more incompetence.

Another piece of information is a report that acoustics indicates two different gunshots. This, if true, implies that the 20-year old was a patsy for a real assassination, which went wrong because Trump turned his head, and explains the police and Secret Service’s tolerance for Thomas Crooks’ armed presence until after he fired his shots.

Remember, there were shorts of the airline companies’ stocks whose planes were hijacked in 9/11 that were swept under the table as they implied prior knowledge of the attack.

Remember in Sirhan Sirhan’s alleged assassination of Robert F. Kennedy, there is definite acoustic evidence of two different calibers, but the evidence has not been allowed to have any effect on the official narrative of Robert F. Kennedy’s assassination.

The hypothesis is that Thomas Crooks was able to install himself with a rifle in a building reportedly full of police or Secret Service agents in sight of numerous spectators attempting without success to call police attention to him because he was the necessary patsy.

One hopes that the Secret Service had the incentive and the presence of mind to recover all bullets fired and that analysis independently of the Secret Service is done to establish if all came from Crooks’ rifle. The only reason for the analysis not to be done is if it indicates two different rifles.

If there is resistance to a real investigation by the government, as it was with the assassinations of John and Bobby Kennedy and 9/11, it tells us one thing. If an honest investigation is made and it clears all parties, we will be relieved and thankful, and we will know that DEI is probably not a good hiring practice for the Secret Service.

But a happy conclusion might be a difficult one at which to arrive. Here is the FBI’s timeline of the near assassination. No American has any confidence in the FBI after the agency’s relentless determination to destroy Trump and his supporters, topped off by the FBI creating a “watch list” of parents who object at school board meetings about their children being taught that white people are racists and that kids can be born in the wrong body.

Notice that even the Trump-hating FBI’s timeline shows that Crooks was seen with a rangefinder 42 minutes prior to the near assassination and no action was taken. The purpose of a rangefinder is to set a rifle scope to the precise range of the shot.

Notice that Crooks was spotted on the roof with rifle observing the speakers’ stand for 20 minutes before he fired, and nothing was done. Crooks was allowed to fire and only after he fired was he eliminated. This looks more like intent than incompetence. Sometimes incompetence can be too great to be believed.

5:10 p.m. Crooks first identified as a person of interest.
5:30 p.m. Crooks spotted with a rangefinder.
5:52 p.m. Crooks spotted on the roof by USSS.
6:02 p.m. Trump takes the stage.
6:12 p.m. Crooks fires first shots. Crooks is shot 26 seconds later.

We have no honest choice other than to consider the possibility that America is in the hands of powerful forces with evil intent. It seems that the Ruling Establishment is determined to block from power any leader who might rally the people against the tyranny that is being imposed.

We know Trump is a fighter, but what is his comprehension? Already Trump is speaking of “unifying the country.” How is evil united with good? How are open borders united with ethnic nationality, a nation united with a Tower of Babel? How is sexual morality united with sexual perversion ana a Sodom and Gomorrah?

Trump is not yet elected, and the ruling powers are already leading him astray.

The fact that confronts us is throughout the Western world there is only a handful of people standing up for the defense of good over evil, for sexual morality over sexual perversion, for ethnic nationality over a Tower of Babel, for Truth over official narratives serving secret interests. This handful gets no help from the Western presstitutes, from Western universities, law schools, bar associations, parliaments, and philanthropic foundations. There is no Western institution in which evil is not institutionalized.

Many years ago the liberals, the most stupid of all peoples, destroyed religion. This left evil unopposed. Today few can even recognize evil.

Unrecognized evil is the world the West lives in.

Scott Ritter says the Secret Service’s systemic failure to protect Trump can only be intentional.
He says we cannot expect an honest investigation.

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