Mexico’s President Explains the Destruction of Civilization by the Greed of Unregulated American Capitalism

Mexico’s President Explains the Destruction of Civilization by the Greed of Unregulated American Capitalism

“It would be hypocritical to ignore that the main problem of the planet is corruption in all its dimensions: political, moral, economic, legal, fiscal and financial; it would be foolish to omit that corruption is the main cause of inequality, poverty, frustration, violence, migration and serious social conflicts.

“We are in decline because never before in the history of the world has so much wealth been accumulated in so few hands through influence and at the cost of other people’s suffering, privatizing what belongs to everyone or what should not have an owner; adulterating laws to legalize the immoral; distorting social values to make the abominable look like acceptable business.

“In today’s world, generosity and a sense of the common good are being displaced by selfishness and private ambition; the spirit of cooperation is losing ground to the profit motive, and we are sliding from civilization to barbarism, walking as if we were alienated, forgetting moral principles and turning our backs on the pains of humanity.” 

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