Excess Deaths from the “Vaccine” Point to a Depopulation Agenda
“I think it’s highly likely that the next phase will involve death [from Covid “vaccine”] on a scale which will dwarf the claims of ‘covid-19 deaths’ to date.” — Dr. Mike Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer
Paul Craig Roberts
There is no evidence that Big Pharma’s Covid “vaccines” are effective and no evidence that they are safe. Indeed, all the evidence is to the contrary. The “vaccines” were rushed into use before they were tested or approved on the basis of the falsehoods that there was a deadly pandemic afoot for which there were no cures.
These lies were soon exposed. Except for people with serious illnesses who were left untreated, Covid had a low fatality rate. Doctors soon discovered that HCQ and Ivermectin were both preventatives and cures, but the medical establishment and the presstitutes joined Big Pharma and Fauci in suppressing the information. The large number of alleged Covid cases was manufactured by the use of the PCR test intentionally run at high cycles known to produce mainly false positives.
The fear that was orchestrated prepped frightened and gullible people for the “vaccine.”
Now the results of the “vaccine” are in. These are the known facts:
The jabs do not protect. Thus the advent of booster jabs and the protocol that the vaccinated continue to wear masks.
The “vaccine” is associated with a high rate of deaths and injuries, rates far higher than rates associated with vaccines and medicines the use of which was stopped.
The vaccinated spread the virus more easily than the unvaccinated.
The majority of hospitalized Covid patients are vaccinated people and people suffering adverse reactions to the “vaccine.”
The “vaccine” permanently impairs your natural immunity.
Deaths and injuries rise with the rate of vaccination. The larger the percentage of a population vaccinated, the higher the excess deaths.
Covid attacks the elderly with comorbidities who are left untreated; the vaccine attacks the young. The US military is comprised mainly of young people, so why is the military being forced to be vaccinated with a killer substance? Along with military deaths and injuries there will be a reduction in military readiness. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/unvaccinated-troops-now-threatened-losing-all-their-veterans-benefits
In this important article — https://www.unz.com/mwhitney/excess-deaths-point-to-depopulation-agenda/#new_comments — Mike Whitney provides evidence that mortality rises with vaccination. As the authorities know this, the only reason for them to persist with illegally mandated mass vaccination is that they have a depopulation agenda.