In Australia Civil Liberty Has Been Exterminated. The Premier of the Australian state of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, Has Resurrected the Third Reich with Chinese Characteristics.
Paul Craig Roberts
This article describes Australia in 2021 in terms applicable to Nazi Germany in 1936—
This is important as the same fate might await all of us in the Western world, a world that is fast expiring.
In my opinion, the situation in Australia today is worst than in 1936 Germany. In Germany the government was trying to deal with real problems caused by the Versailles Treaty and Weimar Republic corruption, whereas in Australia today tyranny is being erected on the basis of a totally false narrative.
The author’s use of “tabled” in his first sentence is an unfortunate choice of words. In the US to table proposed legislation means to not consider it. In Australia, Canada, and the UK, to “table” means to begin consideration of a proposal.