Why are we vaccinating children [or anyone] against COVID-19?
Here is an article by seven scientists showing that there is no case for vaccinating children or anyone else for Covid-19: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S221475002100161X
It is a long article. Here are some of the striking findings. The short of the matter is: We Have Been Had!
As stated before, CDC showed that 94% of the reported Covid deaths had multiple comorbidities, thereby reducing the CDC’s numbers attributed strictly to COVID-19 to about 35,000 for all age groups. Given the number of high false positives from the high amplification cycle PCR tests, and the willingness of healthcare professionals to attribute death to COVID-19 in the absence of tests or sometimes even with negative PCR tests, this 35,000 number is probably highly inflated as well. [In other words, the actual Covid deaths are a small percentage of the reported deaths. Moreover, the deaths are almost entirely among the elderly with comorbidities.]
Additionally, VAERS historically has under-reported adverse events by about two orders-of-magnitude, so COVID-19 inoculation deaths in the short-term could be in the hundreds of thousands for the USA for the period mid-December 2020 to the end of May 2021, potentially swamping the real COVID-19 deaths. Finally, the VAERS deaths reported so far are for the very short term. We have no idea what the death numbers will be in the intermediate and long-term; the clinical trials did not test for those.
The clinical trials used a non-representative younger and healthier sample to get Emergency Use Authorization for the injection. Following EUA, the mass inoculations were administered to the very sick (and first responders) initially, and many died quite rapidly. However, because the elderly who died following COVID-19 inoculation were very frail with multiple comorbidities, their deaths could easily be attributed to causes other than the injection (as should have been the case for COVID-19 deaths as well).
Now the objective is the inoculation of the total USA population. Since many of these potential serious adverse effects have built-in lag times of at least six months or more, we won’t know what they are until most of the population has been inoculated, and corrective action may be too late.
For the 65+ age range, the inoculation-based deaths are an order-of-magnitude greater than the COVID-19 deaths! It should be remembered these are only the very-short-term inoculation-based deaths, and could increase dramatically if mid- and long-term adverse effects come to fruition.
Consider the following. Some of the damage we have seen following the inoculations in VAERS includes coagulation/clotting effects and neurological effects of all types [63]. If these effects are not lethal initially, they raise the level of dysfunction. Thus, platelet aggregation has increased to a new base level, and micro-clots have raised the probability of serious clots forming from other lifestyle factors [105]. Death of specific neurons can increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease or Parkinson’s disease, and can accelerate the onset of these and many other diseases. Thus, the adverse impacts of the COVID-19 inoculations could be viewed as raising the level of expected deaths in the future. Any deaths of this nature reported in VAERS would need to be viewed as inoculation-driven.
Proceeding with mass inoculation of children 12–15 years old based on the trials that were conducted cannot be justified on any cost-benefit ratio findings.
Thus, our extremely conservative estimate for risk-benefit ratio is about 5/1. In plain English, people in the 65+ demographic are five times as likely to die from the inoculation as from COVID-19 under the most favorable assumptions!
It should be remembered that the deaths from the inoculations shown in VAERS are short-term only (˜six months for those inoculated initially), and for children, extremely short-term (˜one month) [3]. Intermediate and long-term deaths remain to be identified, and are possible from ADE, autoimmune effects, further clotting and vascular diseases, etc., that take time to develop. Thus, the long-term cost-benefit ratio under the best-case scenario could well be on the order of 10/1, 20/1, or more for all the demographics, increasing with decreasing age, and an order-of-magnitude higher under real-world scenarios! In summary, the value of these COVID-19 inoculations is not obvious from a cost-benefit perspective for the most vulnerable age demographic, and is not obvious from any perspective for the least vulnerable age demographic. [In other words, vaccine-related deaths could be 10 to 20 times the number of Covid deaths.]
[On the PCR test for Covid: the high cycles on which the test was run produced false positives. The basis of the “pandemic” was false positives. In other words, there was no pandemic.]
Many false positives are possible in the upper part of this cycle threshold (Ct) range, especially in areas of low prevalence. In particular, virus culture has been found to be unfeasible in cases with a Ct value exceeding 33. A prospective cohort study involving the first 100 COVID-19 patients in Singapore also showed that attempts to culture the virus failed in all PCR-positive samples with a Ct value >30” [121]. During mass testing in Germany, it was found “that more than half of individuals with positive PCR test results are unlikely to have been infectious” [122]. Another study found that tests with low specificity (deriving from use of many cycles) cannot provide strong evidence for the presence of an infection [123]. A systematic review of PCR testing concluded “Complete live viruses are necessary for transmission, not the fragments identified by PCR. Prospective routine testing of reference and culture specimens and their relationship to symptoms, signs and patient co-factors should be used to define the reliability of PCR for assessing infectious potential. Those with high cycle threshold are unlikely to have infectious potential.” [89].
[By mid-2021 the CDC had to reduce the cycle threshold (Ct) from 45 to 28 or less.]