Massive Iranian Missile Strike ‘Completely Destroys’ Israeli F-35 Base Nevatim: Stealth Fighters Destroyed

Massive Iranian Missile Strike ‘Completely Destroys’ Israeli F-35 Base Nevatim: Stealth Fighters Destroyed According to this report, Iran has dealt Israel a devastating blow: Other reports say the strike was more measured and more limited. According to Israel there was no significant damage. The moron who serves as Biden regime national security advisor says Washington is ready to go…

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Washington Has Criminalized Truth

 “I AM NOT FREE TODAY BECAUSE THE SYSTEM WORKED, I AM FREE BECAUSE I PLED GUILTY TO JOURNALISM” – declared journalist Julian Assange in his first statement as a free man at Council of Europe after 14 years fighting Washington’s threat of extradition and more than 5 years of incarceration for exposing U.S. war crimes. “The truth now seems less…

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Gilbert Doctorow Believes John Helmer has misread Medinsky and possible peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine

Gilbert Doctorow Believes John Helmer has misread Medinsky and possible peace negotiations between Russia and Ukraine. As I reported yesterday on Helmer’s analysis, here is Doctorow’s critique: For those who are unfamiliar with him, John Helmer is an Australian born, Harvard educated journalist who has been living in Moscow since 1989 and who is best known for his web…

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How Can Trump Win When Democrats Have 30 million immigrant-invaders to vote against him?

How Can Trump Win When Democrats Have 30 million immigrant-invaders to vote against him? Paul Craig Roberts The Democrats Are Doing Every Possible Thing to Enable Immigrant-invaders to vote. Democrats are passing laws to make sure that a non-citizen who just walked across the border has a vote equal to a United States native-born citizen. Immigrant-invaders are given federal IDs…

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