War Is Upon Us or Will Putin Blink Again

Dear Readers, I am posting Friday’s website material today, because I have early morning interviews and other intrusions that prevent my usual morning postings. I regret publishing such important material on a Friday when normally insouciant Americans are even less attentive. Perhaps the few who count will realize the precipices, yes plural, on which we sit leaderless. The world is…

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The Trump-Kamala “Debate” Left Untouched What Is Really At Stake

The ability to speak truth in American is rapidly declining. This website is one of the few that still speaks truth. Support it or you will live in the dark of a controlled narrative existence. The Trump-Kamala “Debate” Left Untouched What Is Really At Stake Paul Craig Roberts, September 13, 2024 What we need to understand about American presidential elections…

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The Abortion Issue

The Abortion Issue Paul Craig Roberts, September 13, 2024 Perhaps nothing demonstrates the presstitutes’ idiocy, ignorance, and incompetence than the media’s presentation of the abortion issue as a presidential issue with Kamala standing with women and Trump standing against women. The abortion issue has nothing whatsoever to do with the executive branch. The abortion issue was created by a liberal…

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How to steal an election

How to steal an election Posted for September 13, 2024 https://sputnikglobe.com/20240912/how-to-steal-an-election-us-conservatives-expose-democrats-playbook-ahead-of-2024-vote-1120119743.html

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A Haitian Woman Fact Checks the Fact Checkers

A Haitian Woman Fact Checks the Fact Checkers Posted for September 13 So-called “fact checkers” are websites created by those with agendas to control the explanations. Almost everything “fact checkers” denounce is true. Reports from local news stations and on social media of people’s pets and ducks from local parks being eaten by Haitians are dismissed by “fact checkers” who…

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Seems the FBI Has Decided to Close Down NY City’s Government

Seems the FBI Has Decided to Close Down NY City’s Government I wonder what agenda is underway here. Perhaps a federal takeover of all government? https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/new-york-police-commissioner-resigns-amid-federal-probe-5722442?utm_source=RTNews&src_src=RTNews&utm_campaign=rtbreaking-2024-09-12-1&src_cmp=rtbreaking-2024-09-12-1&utm_medium=email&utm_term=digital&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAceE5JjMFys3H%2BbdAvWpUcQzPZ0WlGLZbDFlFfmdQNQ%3D%3D

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The Big Collapse Awaits

This website depends on readers’ support The Big Collapse Awaits Paul Craig Roberts In the 1970s when I served in the congressional staff and in the 1980s when I served in the executive branch, there was still some intelligence in the US government, with the exception of the Federal Reserve, where there has never been any intelligence. Today there is…

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PCR on Target with Larry Sparano

PCR on Target with Larry Sparano The stress from Western civilization’s destruction is getting to me. But there is interesting information in this interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MHxIdYa8hT8

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How the Rothschilds Сashed In on Ukraine Since Neo-Nazi Coup in 2014

How the Rothschilds Сashed In on Ukraine Since Neo-Nazi Coup in 2014 https://sputnikglobe.com/20240910/how-the-rothschilds-sashed-in-on-ukraine-since-neo-nazi-coup-in-2014-1120100282.html

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The Ever Widening War

The Ever Widening War https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-updating-nuclear-weapon-doctrine-due-western-escalation-ukraine-war

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Median Homebuyer Down Payment Is More Than $180,000 in Top 10 US Metros

Median Homebuyer Down Payment Is More Than $180,000 in Top 10 US Metros https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/median-homebuyer-down-payment-is-more-than-180000-in-top-10-us-metros-report-5717454?autoemail=pcr3%40mac.com&utm_source=deployer&utm_medium=email&utm_content=&utm_campaign=new&utm_term=

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As Talk Has Been Forbidden, War Is Now a Certainty

Having closed down the US media, Washington now attacks the Russian media https://www.rt.com/russia/603580-steven-seagal-us-hiding-truth/ Apparently, to engage in a Russian-American dialogue is a violation of US sanctions As we cannot even talk with Russians, how are any solutions to be found? https://sputnikglobe.com/20240906/russias-zakharova-slams-us-for-persecuting-people-for-nonconformity-political-views-1120052796.html Free speech no longer exists anywhere in the Western world so why pretend the countries are democracies rather than…

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My next cat

My next cat This is one that will eat the Haitians https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edySVg9hWKU

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We Have Many Internal Enemies and Big Pharma and Its Puppet Agencies–FDA, CDC, NIH, Medical Boards, Medical Schools, Congress–are among them

We Have Many Internal Enemies and Big Pharma and Its Puppet Agencies–FDA, CDC, NIH, Medical Boards, Medical Schools, Congress–are among them Pharma Owns ‘the Science.’ We Must Take It Back Pharma Owns ‘the Science.’ We Must Take It Back Big Pharma’s Indoctrination of American Kids Proceeds at a Rapid Clip Pfizer Deploys Mobile ‘School of Science’ to Teach Kids the…

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