The 23rd Anniversary of September 11, 2001

The 23rd Anniversary of September 11, 2001 Paul Craig Roberts Time passes. An entire generation has grown up since that day when a few Saudi Arabians armed only with box cutters caused airport safety to fail four times on the same morning, caused the entire US/NATO/Mossad security system to fail, caused the WTC towers constructed to withstand airliner collisions to…

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These Warriors are not Republicans

These Warriors are not Republicans Paul Craig Roberts go to 2:31 These are real men. Are there any in the Western world? If so, why is the Western world being conquered by immigrant-invaders with the help of every Western government? Why do Western peoples tolerate their betrayal by their own governments? Why do they elect governments that prefer immigrant-invaders…

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What Happened to Europe

What Happened to Europe Paul Craig Roberts A European friend sent me this article which provides some understanding of the present political situation in France. The American media produces close to zero information about the political situation in European countries. What Americans hear of Europe is generally limited to whatever the current EU narrative is. The European Union is a…

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The Presstitute NY Times Is Now Undermining the Scant Remains of a “Conservative Media” by falsely claiming that the Russians are taking it over

The Presstitute NY Times Is Now Undermining the Scant Remains of a “Conservative Media” by falsely claiming that the Russians are taking it over

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Europe: The Prison of Peoples

Europe: The Prison of Peoples How Europe Looks to an Italian Journalist

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“It is dangerous for the United States to attempt an undeclared war with Russia via Ukraine.” — Reagan’s ambassador to Russia Jack Matlock

“It is dangerous for the United States to attempt an undeclared war with Russia via Ukraine.” — Reagan’s ambassador to Russia Jack Matlock

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Is it Russian propaganda or truth?

Is it Russian propaganda or truth? “Washington, like some kind of maniac from its own Hollywood movie, destroys everything with a lawn mower, a saw, or some kind of an ax”

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Truth Needs Support More Than Ever Before

Truth Needs Support More Than Ever Before Paul Craig Roberts Dear Readers, it is September and time for my quarterly request for your support of this website. Free speech is being criminalized in the United States. With the latest dictate from Washington Scott Ritter has been forced to resign his position with RT, and Dimitri Simes faces a 6 decade…

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Harvard comes in dead last in nationwide free speech rankings

Harvard comes in dead last in nationwide free speech rankings Paul Craig Roberts This is the second consecutive year that Harvard was found to be the worst college or university for free speech. Its climate of free speech was deemed to be “abysmal.” Harvard, once a great university, is now nothing but a shithole indoctrination center. More money is…

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David Irving Proven to be 99.9% Accurate

David Irving Proven to be 99.9% Accurate Ron Unz in his researched article, “The Remarkable Historiography of David Irving,” relates the story of how Jews used money to reduce David Irving to poverty. Paradoxically, although the Jews ruined Irving economically, they proved that he was 99.9% accurate. These few paragraphs sum up the story: “In 1993, Deborah Lipstadt, a rather…

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Latest Democrat Propaganda Defines All Republicans as Putin Agents

Latest Democrat Propaganda Defines All Republicans as Putin Agents On Saturday, September 7, 2024, this blatant propaganda was played on the California station KVMR, formerly a reputable radio station, now a propaganda and indoctrination center: The message is that not only Trump but Republicans in general are agents of Putin. The Republicans, or most of them, who are stupidly…

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Trump vs. Biden-Kamala Record

Trump vs. Biden-Kamala Record

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In All Western Countries, or towers of babel, the police take the side of immigrant-invaders against the white populations

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Parodies of Our Next President

Parodies of Our Next President The good thing about Kamala’s presidency is that we will no longer be the hegemon but the laughing stock of the world.

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