- PaulCraigRoberts.org - https://www.paulcraigroberts.org -

The brainwashed Germans Organized a “Diversity Celebration Day” and an “Arab looking man” treated the gullible fools to a stabbing attack

The brainwashed Germans Organized a “Diversity Celebration Day” and an “Arab looking man” treated the gullible fools to a stabbing attack

Three Germans were killed and eight seriously wounded while celebrating the diversity that brought them their attacker, and the rapists of their wives and daughters and mothers, and the financial burden of supporting those who oppress them with crimes, and they agree to more immigrant-invaders. And this country unable to defend its own women and its own borders from “diversity” is preparing for NATO war with Russia?

Self-destruction is the chosen path of all white people.

https://www.rt.com/news/603007-stabbing-rampage-germany-solingen/ [1]

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