The Western World Has Succumbed to Tyranny

The Western World Has Succumbed to Tyranny Paul Craig Roberts We can add Richard Medhurst to Tulsi Gabbard, Scott Ritter, Amb. Craig Murray, Julian Assange, and many others who are harassed, arrested, imprisoned by police state authorities in the US, UK, EU, and Canada for practicing the disappearing profession of journalism. When Richard Medhurst can be arrested in a London…

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Scott Ritter Confirms What I Have Told You–The US Has No Media

Scott Ritter Confirms What I Have Told You–The US Has No Media Everyone who relies on the American media brainwashes themselves.

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Monkeypox Is a Homosexual Disease

Monkeypox Is a Homosexual Disease It seems there are health reasons for social stigma of sexual perversions.

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