Republican Liz Cheney Spearheads Democrat Attempt to Indict President Trump for Insurrection

Republican Liz Cheney Spearheads Democrat Attempt to Indict President Trump for Insurrection Paul Craig Roberts Insouciant Wyoming Republicans sent Liz Cheney to Congress to help the Democrats destroy the Republican Party by building a case out of thin air that President Donald Trump organized a coup to keep himself in power.   The charge that Trump planned a coup has…

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The War Continues to Widen

The War Continues to Widen Paul Craig Roberts Ukraine’s government says it will not hesitate to strike Russian territory with the new long range weapons Washington has provided.  “If needed the government will act without hesitation.”  As the idiot British government did with the “Polish Guarantee,” the idiots in Washington have given a Nazi government in Ukraine power to put…

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Why Washington and Israel Do Not Take the Kremlin Seriously

Why Washington and Israel Do Not Take the Kremlin Seriously Israel has conducted 400 airstrikes on Syria, but the Kremlin refuses to allow Syria to defend  itself with the S-300 air defense system.  Why does Syria have an air defense system that Russia does not permit Syria to use?  Russia “denounces” the air strikes but protects the attacking Israeli aircraft from retaliation.…

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Does the Kremlin Accept Endless War?

Does the Kremlin Accept Endless War? 

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Vaccines Contributed Almost Nothing to the 20th Century’s Massive Decline in Mortality 

Vaccines Contributed Almost Nothing to the 20th Century’s Massive Decline in Mortality  This is an Important Article: It shows that the claims made for vaccines by Big Pharma and its bought-and-paid-for public health marketing agents are fictitious. 

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Ugly COVID Lies. The Lockdown and the “Vaccine”. The Prime Instigators of This Infamy are Walking Free

Ugly COVID Lies. The Lockdown and the “Vaccine”. The Prime Instigators of This Infamy are Walking Free 

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The CIA Keeps America Leaderless by Killing Our Leaders, and when Bullets aren’t used, Falsehoods are such as Those Used Against President Trump

The CIA Keeps America Leaderless by Killing Our Leaders, and when Bullets aren’t used, Falsehoods are such as Those Used Against President Trump It might not be possible for another American leader to rise to leadership 

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Is CNN Trying to Distract from Hunter Biden’s Criminal Actions by Focusing on His Tax Problems?

Is CNN Trying to Distract from Hunter Biden’s Criminal Actions by Focusing on His Tax Problems? 

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The White House Fool Illegitimately Put in Office by a Stolen Election Is Finished

The White House Fool Illegitimately Put in Office by a Stolen Election Is Finished 

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