By: pcr3|08 March, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
God’s Chosen People Gave Us Legalized Pornography “Many Jewish pornographers and scholars openly admit that Jews engage in the production and dissemination of pornography to subvert and destroy gentile culture. First, let us establish the enormous Jewish presence within the porn industry so that any claims to the contrary can be dismissed from the get-go. “Porn is a Jewish Industry…
Read more »By: pcr3|08 March, 2021|Categories: Guest Contributions
Canadian Doctors Say the Covid Fear Is an Orchestrated Fear without Basis
Read more »By: pcr3|08 March, 2021|Categories: Articles & Columns
Dear Readers: Your website needs your support. What Was World War II About? Paul Craig Roberts In the United States the feel good explanation is that the war was about making freedom and democracy safe. In actual fact there were many agendas at play, and they had next to nothing to do with freedom and democracy. World War II Has…
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