By: pcr3|29 March, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
The Saker Reports that Washington Does Not Compare Well to Its Chosen Opponents Eric Striker concurs
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With so many people worldwide now at home playing video games and watching movies posting on the website might become difficult. Amusement might crowd out informative information.
Read more »By: pcr3|29 March, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Destruction and Revival of the Common Good by Michael Marder After decades of neoliberal policies that have resulted in the privatization of utility companies and pension funds, erosion of workers’ rights, divestment from public healthcare and other vital sectors and services, the experience and the notion of the common good have been rendered hollow. Terrifying and tragic as it is, the…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 March, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
A medical research professor at Oxford University describes what can be done immediately: I would prefer hydroxychloroquine to the use of mefloquine unless mefloquine is dramatically better. MQ can cause neuropsychiatric problems. In vitro experiments have shown that chloroquine and better hydroxychloroquine inhibit viral replication in cells but also can be preventative. No-one is allowed to talk about this officially…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 March, 2020|Categories: Articles & Columns
Escape From New York According to news reports New Yorkers are leaving the city transporting with them the virus to other states, principally Florida. President Trump announced that he was considering locking New Yorkers in place but said he hoped not to do that. Trump’s indecision has forced Rhode Island governor Gina Raimondo to hunt down New Yorkers seeking…
Read more »By: pcr3|29 March, 2020|Categories: Guest Contributions
Over 45 Countries Ask Cuba for Interferon to Treat Covid-19 U.S. government urges nations to reject medical aid from Cuba!msg/newsfromunderground/YMKFF5V-kCc/2Ag2FSbhBQAJ
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