By: pcr3|04 November, 2016|Categories: Articles & Columns
Can The Oligarchy Still Steal The Presidential Election? Paul Craig Roberts The election was set up to be stolen from Trump. That was the purpose of the polls rigged by overweighting Hillary supporters in the samples. After weeks of hearing poll results that Hillary was in the lead, the public would discount a theft claim. Electronic voting makes elections easy…
Read more »By: pcr3|01 November, 2016|Categories: Announcements
Clintons Are Under Multiple FBI Investigations as Agents Are Stymied
Read more »On Nov 1, 2016 2:13 PM, “Mimi Kennedy” wrote: Please circulate widely: Bev Harris of finally put up Fraction Magic video. Appropriately, on Halloween. 98,000 views in less than 24 hours: Don’t be afraid. Watch. The capacity to commit fraud exists; stop arguing about who’s using it, get it out, and in the meantime for this election, pay…
Read more »By: pcr3|01 November, 2016|Categories: Announcements . Articles & Columns . Guest Contributions . Other
How Voting Machines Are Programmed In Order To Steal Elections Americans are being told by “experts” (read “Hillary supporters”) that election fraud in the US is rare. They are also being misinformed that voting fraud would be detected. The fact of the matter is, as has now been proven, that no vast conspiracy is required. One person suffices to have…
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