By: pcr3|11 January, 2015|Categories: Announcements
Suspicions are growing that the French shootings are a false flag operation I do not know these sites or their credibility. I do know the mainstream media, and it has no credibility. Considering the number of real journalists on war fronts, not cartoonists in Paris, killed by Washington funded and organized ISIS, including filmed beheadings, the uproar…
Read more »By: pcr3|11 January, 2015|Categories: Announcements
Glenn Greenwald nails the Charlie Hebdo affair: Sunday morning news channels report a huge “anti-terror” rally in France with 50 “world leaders” flown in to participate, including the Chancellor of Germany and the Prime Ministers of Great Britain and Spain. This looks more and more like an orchestrated affair. Assembling “world leaders” in such a short time reminds me…
Read more »By: pcr3|11 January, 2015|Categories: Announcements
John Williams ( on the December payroll jobs report and unemployment rate: As increasingly has become the common circumstance, the upside revisions in headline monthly numbers simply are constructs of highly unstable, inconsistent and questionable seasonal adjustments being shifted between months. The unadjusted data do not revise, but the adjusted data pick up bogus growth from gimmicked reporting . .…
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