Will Your Protest Be Terminated By Killer Robots?

Paul Craig Roberts Did you know that the latest big business is killer robots? Not only drones that can be insect size and lethal, but also Terminator-type machines that will have the power to decide who lives and dies. Of course, the way has been paved for killer robots and their inevitable mistakes, as the US military no longer differentiates…

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Polluted America — Paul Craig Roberts

In the United States everything is polluted. Democracy is polluted with special interests and corrupt politicians. Accountability is polluted with executive branch exemptions from law and the Constitution and with special legal privileges for corporations, such as the Supreme Court given right to corporations to purchase American elections. The Constitution is polluted with corrupt legal interpretations from the Bush and…

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What If? — Paul Craig Roberts

“What If?” histories are a good read. They are entertaining, and they provoke thought and encourage the imagination. How different the world would be if different judgments, decisions, and circumstances had prevailed at history’s turning points. Certainly English history would have been different if King Harold’s soldiers had obeyed his order not to pursue the defeated fleeing Normans down the…

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Not A Single Financial Crook Has Been Prosecuted By Regulatory Agencies

Elizabeth Warren is the person Obama could not get confirmed to the consumer advocate position. She dropped out of contention and ran for the Senate and won. This shows the great gulf between Washington and the American people. Essentially, Washington is a foreign power colonizing the American people. In this video of a Banking Committee hearing of the US Senate,…

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How The Republican Party and the Presstitute Media Made Ron Paul Invisible

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXlWiTPn7pQ&feature=youtu.be During the campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, I suggested that by softening a couple of hardened libertarian positions, Ron Paul could win the nomination. My advice was not taken, but even had it been, this video shows that no matter how many votes Ron Paul received, the Republican Party had no intention of giving him the nomination. The…

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America Shamed Again: A colonized people — Paul Craig Roberts

Americans have been shamed many times by their elected representatives who cravenly bow to vested interests and betray the American people. But no previous disgraceful behavior can match the public shame brought to Americans by the behavior of the Senate Republicans in the confirmation hearing of Senator Chuck Hagel as Secretary of Defense. Forty Senate Republicans made it clear that…

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Hagel Is A Victim Of The Israel Lobby


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While Left And Right Fight, Power Wins–Paul Craig Roberts

My experience with the American left and right leads to the conclusion that the left sees private power as the source of oppression and government as the countervailing and rectifying power, while the right sees government as the source of oppression and a free and unregulated private sector as the countervailing and rectifying power. Both are concerned with restraining the…

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Biggest Bubbles In History plus a Police State

Biggest Bubbles in History-Stocks, Bonds, Dollar-Paul Craig Roberts 11 FEBRUARY 2013 48 COMMENTS By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com Former Assistant Treasury Secretary Dr. Paul Craig Roberts says, “I think we have three of the biggest bubbles in history. The bond market, stock market and the U.S. dollar . . . and something is going to go.” Roberts thinks, “This is possibly…

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Obama’s Expanding Kill List — Paul Craig Roberts

Prosecutors always expand laws far beyond their intent. Attorneys in civil cases do the same. For example, the 1970 Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act was passed in order to make it easier for the government to convict members of the Mafia. However, the law, despite its intent, was quickly expanded by prosecutors and attorneys and used in cases against…

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U.S. Goading Japan into Confrontation with China by John V. Walsh

Just as Washington has involved NATO in its Afghanistan, Middle East and African wars, John V. Walsh explains Washington’s attempt to rope Japan into its military encirclement of China. Perhaps the Japanese will see in Washington’s effort to contain the rise of China the same policy that Washington used against Japan in the 1930s. Will Japan align with the rising…

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It Has Happened Here–Paul Craig Roberts

the police state is real The Bush regime’s response to 9/11 and the Obama regime’s validation of this response have destroyed accountable democratic government in the United States. So much unaccountable power has been concentrated in the executive branch that the US Constitution is no longer an operable document. Whether a person believes the official story of 9/11 which rests…

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Obamacare: A Deception

Introduction by Paul Craig Roberts The article below is the most comprehensive analysis available of “Obamacare” – the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The author, a knowledgeable person who wishes to remain anonymous, explains how Obamacare works for the insurance companies but not for you. Obamacare was formulated on the concept of health care as a commercial commodity and…

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