By: pcr3|12 November, 2016|Categories: Articles & Columns . Guest Contributions . Other
This Wasn’t A Vote, It Was An Uprising Note: A reader has sent me the URL to the article below: In several places the wording differs, but not the meaning. My columns often appear on other sites under different titles, and sometimes with editing. Dear Readers: The article below has come to me. I am unable to ascertain if…
Read more »Has George Soros Committed Treason? “His only legitimacy is his wallet.” The press prostitutes continue to lie to us. They pretend that the anti-Trump protests are real spontaneous events although the prostitutes know that the “protests” are orchestrated by George Soros and front groups for the Oligarchy such as and other fake progressive groups funded by the oligarchs.…
Read more »Trump Is The First President To Truthfully Describe Our Situation
Read more »By: pcr3|12 November, 2016|Categories: Announcements
Obama’s New Residence Where does the money come from?
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