EU’s Greek Austerity Plan Rejected By The IMF — Paul Craig Roberts

EU’s Greek Debt Austerity Plan Rejected By The IMF Paul Craig Roberts I have maintained since the so-called Greek Debt “crisis” began back in 2010, I believe it was, that the imposition of austerity on Greece could not possibly work and that the only solution was to write down the debt to a level that Greece could service and introduce…

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Who Shot Down MH-17? — Paul Craig Roberts

Who Shot Down MH-17? Paul Craig Roberts The available evidence convinces me that the Malaysian airliner shot down over Ukraine was a plot hatched in Washington in order to blame Russia, blame which helps Washington’s pressure on Europe for sanctions against Russia. An alternative explanation is that Washington’s stooge government in Kiev in an assassination attempt against Vladimir Putin mistook…

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Washington Intends To Coerce Russia Into Submission

Washington Intends To Coerce Russia Into Submission PCR Interviewed by Sputnik

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